Rachel Bichener : Yossi Garfinkel, D. Ben-Shlomo, D. and N. Korn, Sha’ar HaGolan 3: The Symbolic Dimensions of the Yarmukian Culture: Canonization in Neolithic Art, 2010
Ovidiu Creangă : Koert van Bekkum, From Conquest to Coexistence: Ideology and Antiquarian Intent in the Historiography of Israel’s Settlement in Canaan, 2011
Lester Grabbe : Amnon Ben-Tor, Back To Masada, 2009
John Healy : Benjamin Sass and Joachim Marzahn, Aramaic and Figural Stamp Impressions on Bricks of the Sixth Century B.C. from Babylon, 2010
Sandra Jacobs : Katell Berthelot and Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra (eds.), Aramaica Qumranica: Proceedings of the Conference on the Aramaic Texts from Qumran inAix-en-Provence 30 June–2 July 2008. Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah, Volume 94, 2010
Aaron Koller : Albert I. Baumgarten, Hanan Eshel, Ranon Katzoff and Shani Tzoref (eds.), Halakhah in Light of Epigraphy, 2011
Aren Maier : R. Greenberg and A. Keinan, Israeli Archaeological Activity in the West Bank 1967–2007: A Sourcebook, 2009
Meir Malul : David P. Wright, Inventing God’s Law: How the Covenant Code of the Bible Used and Revised the Laws of Hammurabi 2009
Karen Radner : Sophie Démare-Lafont and André Lemaire (eds.), Trois millénaires de formulaires juridiques 2010
Stephen Rosenberg : Hershel Shanks, Freeing the Dead Sea Scrolls, and other Adventures of an Archaeology Outsider. 2010
Stephen Rosenberg : Hershel Shanks, Jerusalem Forgery Conference, Special Report, 2010
Jonathon Stökl : Mark J. Boda and Jamie Novotny (eds.), From the Foundations to the Crenellations. Essays on Temple Building in the Ancient Near East and Hebrew Bible, 2010
Lena-Sofia Tieymeyer : David J. Schloen (ed.), Exploring the Longue Durée: Essays in Honor of Lawrence E. Stager 2009
H.G.M. Williamson : Izaak J. de Hulster and Rüdiger Schmitt (eds.), Iconography and Biblical Studies: Proceedings of the Iconography Sessions at the Joint EABS/SBL Conference, 22–26 July 2007, Vienna, Austria. Alter Orient und Altes Testament 361 2009
H.G.M. Williamson : Yonatan Mizrachi, Archaeology in the Shadow of the Conflict: The Mound of Ancient Jerusalem (City of David) in Silwan 2010