
The AIAS is a registered charity that receives no public funding. Becoming a member is a great way to support our many activities, including public lectures in London and Manchester, publication of the journal Strata, and travel grants to support student research and professional development.

Annual membership, to include a free PDF copy of Strata, costs £30 (British Isles and Overseas). Student membership is £10 (British Isles only). Annual membership, to include a free hard copy of Strata, costs £35 (British Isles) and £37.50 (Overseas). All members receive information about our current lecture programme and other events.

If you would like to join us, please download our Membership form. If you wish a form to be posted to you, then contact our administrator at ad***@ai**.uk.

If you have a UK Bank Account please download our Standing Order form. Standing Orders are easier as we only have to contact you when our subscription rates change.

Gift Aid is a UK Government scheme which supports charities by allowing them to claim back tax paid by donors. If you are a UK tax payer your completion and return of this gift-aid declaration will enable us to recover tax on your donations to the Society. The only restriction is that you must have paid as much tax as we reclaim.

The Administrator
The Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society
4th Floor,
Silverstream House
45 Fitzroy Street, Fitzrovia
London W1T 6EB

+44 (0)203 840 3660


Reg. Charity No. 1195866