Strata — Volume 33 (2015)

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Research Articles

Katharina Streit, Exploring the Wadi Rabah Culture from the 6th millennium cal BC:
Renewed Excavations at Ein el-Jarba in the Jezreel Valley, Israel (2013–2015)

Nava Panitz-Cohen, Robert A. Mullins and Ruhama Bonfil, Second Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Tell Abil el Qameḥ (Abel Beth Maacah)

Casey Sharp, Chris McKinny and Itzhaq Shai, The Late Bronze Age Figurines from Tel Burna

Yosef Garfinkel and Madeleine Mumcuoglu, A Shrine Model from Tel Rekhesh

David M. Jacobson, Herod The Great, Augustus Caesar and Herod’s ‘Year 3’ Coins

Renate Rosenthal-Heginbottom, Factory Lamps ‘Firmalampen in the Levant

Samuel Wolff, A Newly Identified Persian Period Cemetery? A Response to Kletter and Nagar

Raz Kletter, Still an Iron Age Cemetery:A Response to Samuel Wolff

Raz Kletter, A History of the Archaeological Museum of the State of Israel
in Jerusalem, 1949–1965

Caroline Waerzeggars, Review Article: Laurie E. Pearce and Cornelia Wunsch, Documents of Judean Exiles and West Semites in Babylonia in the Collection of David Sofer

Book Reviews

Download the book reviews here.

Shimon Gibson, Yoni Shapira, Rupert L. Chapman III, Tourists, Travellers and Hotels in Nineteenth-Century Jerusalem.
(John R. Bartlett)

Oren Tal and Itamar Taxel,  with Dana Ashkenazi, Gabriela Bijovsky, Vered Eshed, Ruth E. Jackson-Tal, Mark Iserlis and Lidar Sapir-Hen, Samaritan Cemeteries and Tombs in the Central Coastal Plain. Archaeology and History of the Samaritan Settlement outside Samaria (ca. 300–700 CE).
(Shimon Dar)

Ya’akov Meshorer? with Gabriela Bijovsky and Wolfgang Fischer-Bossert; ed. David Hendin and Andrew Meadow, Coins of the Holy Land: The Abraham and Marian Sofaer Collection at the American Numismatic Society and the Israel Museum.
(Yoav Farhi)

Hermann Michael Niemann, ed. Meik Gerhards, History of Ancient Israel, Archaeology, and Bible: Collected Essays.
(Lester L. Grabbe)

John R. Spencer, Robert A. Mullins, and Aaron J. Brody (eds.), Material Culture Matters: Essays on the Archaeology of the Southern Levant in Honor of Seymour Gitin.
(Lester L. Grabbe)

Miriam Müller (ed.), Household Studies in Complex Societies: (Micro) Archaeological and Textual Approaches.
(Carol Meyers)

Bart Wagemakers (ed.), Archaeology in the ‘Land of Tells and Ruins:’ A History of Excavations in the Holy Land Inspired by the Photographs and Accounts of Leo Boer.
(H. G. M. Williamson)