Volume 1 (1982)

Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society

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Biographical details of the past year’s lecturers

The editors


Ashley Jones, The archaeological year in retrospect.

Grant given by the Society

Julia Haddon, Digging at Tel Dor.

Summaries of Lectures given to the Society 1982

Honor Frost, Bronze Age Stone Anchors in the East Mediterranean.

Fanny Vitto, Jewish villages around Beth She’ an in the Roman and Byzantine periods.

David Ussishkin, The Lachish Reliefs and the City of Lachish.

Ephraim Stern, Hellenistic Dor.

Michael Weitzman, Ebla and its Neighbours.

Alexander Funder, The pool of Cleopatra at Caesarea and her Cypriot Sister.

Obituary, Shmuel Yeivin.