Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society
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Table of Contents
Dauphin, C. and Gibson, S., Ancient Settlements in their Landscapes: the Results of Ten Years of Survey on the Golan Heights (1978-1988)
Sussman, Y., ΕΙΣ ΘΕΟΣ, ‘One God’
Urman, D., A Burial Cave in Moshav Zippori
Gersht, R. and Dar, S., A Sculpted Right Foot Wearmg a Sandal, From Qal’at Bustra in the Hermon
Review Article
Taylor, J. E., Helena and the Finding of the Cross
Book Reviews
Peltenburg, E., Early Society in Cyprus
Tatton-Brown, Y., Cyprus and the East Mediterranean in the Iron Age (D. Symons)
Piccirillo, M., Madaba, le chiese e i mosaici
Bottini, G. C. et aI., Christian Archaeology in the Holy Land (C. Dauphin)
Lefort, J., et aI., Géométries du fisc byzantin (C. Dauphin)
Books Received for Review
Letters to the Editor
The Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society
Summaries of Lectures Given in 1992-3
Brooke, G. J., Qumran and Its Scrolls: Old Issues and New Texts
Grants Given by the Society
Ritmeyer, L. and K.; Hinge, P. D.; Baxevani, E.