Volume 18 (2000)

Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society

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Table of Contents


Preface by the Rt. Hon. Viscount Allenby of Megiddo

Barbara Barnett, The Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society – Forty Years On

Research Articles

Braun, E., Post Mortem: A Late Prehistoric Site at Palmahim Quarry

Mazar, A., A Sacred Tree in the Chalcolithic Shrine at En Gedi: A Suggestion

Berelov, I., Problems of Identifying Social Regimes in the Dead Sea Basin

Williamson, H.G.M., Isaiah 8:21 and a New Inscription from Ekron

Kingsley, S.A., Shipwreck Archaeology in Israel: an Undeveloped Historical Resource

Jacobson, D.M., The Anchor Coins of Judaea

Sasson, A., The Lime-Burning Installation at the Ali-Muntar Hill in Gaza

Book Reviews

Schick, T., The Cave of the Warrior (K. Prag)

Lichtenberger, A., Die Baupolitik Herodes des Grossen (D. M. Jacobson)

Adna, J., Jerusalemer Tempel und Templemarkt im I. Jahrhundert n. Chr. (D. M. Jacobson)


Claire Epstein, 1911-2000 (E. Braun)

E. Jerry Vardaman, 1927-2000 (N. Kokkinos)

Summaries of Lectures

Goodman, M., The Divine Image in Late Antique Synagogues

Prag, A.J.N.W.,  Reconstructing Ancient Faces

Dalley, S., Waterworks in the Time of Hezekiah and Judaean Princesses in Assyria

Garfinkel, Y., The Renewed Excavations at the Neolithic Art Centre at Sha’ar Hagolan

Grants Given by the Society

Rachel John