Lecture Summaries 2025

The Society hosts a number of online lectures throughout the year. Here is a summary of past events for 2025, with links to the lecture recordings.

A Wise Woman and a Bearded Male: Excavations at Tel Abel Beth Maacah in Northern Israel – DR. NAVA PANITZ-COHEN (Institute of Archaeology, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

16 January 2025 (Online, via Zoom)

Tel Abel Beth Maacah in the Hula Valley with the Golan Heights in the background 

Tel Abel Beth Maacah is the northernmost site in Israel, sitting astride the modern border between Lebanon and Israel that, in fact, mirrors the interface between the ancient kingdoms of Israel, Aram Damascus, and the Phoenicians in the Iron Age. Excavations and surveys at the site have been conducted since 2012 by The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Azusa Pacific University in Los Angeles. This lecture will present the rich remains from the second and first half of the first millennia BCE, the Middle Bronze to the Iron Age II, that afford data enabling us to address long-standing questions concerning the organization of Canaanite city-states and the extent of the Israelite kingdom and the relations with its neighbors in this important border region. 

 Dr. Nava Panitz-Cohen is a researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Archaeology of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and is currently co-director of the excavations at Tel Abel Beth-Maacah. She has excavated at many sites, including Tel Batash, Tel Rehov, and Tel Beth-Shean with Prof. Amihai Mazar, and participated in the publication of these projects. Her main research interest focuses on how ceramics inform on aspects of ancient society and culture. 

The link to YouTube will appear here in due course.

Joint Lecture with British Friends of The Hebrew University.

Debates in the Dust: Seventy Years After the First Dig at Hazor and the Shaping of Biblical Archaeology

Dr Igor Kreimerman, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

26 February 2025 (Online, via Zoom)

Dr Igor Kreimerman is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research combines the use of geoarchaeology, experimental archaeology and traditional archaeological methods for the study of formation processes, especially construction and destruction, in the Bronze and Iron Age Levant.

Areas of Interest: Archaeology of the Bronze Age and Iron Age in the Land of Israel, ancient construction materials and techniques, architecture, urban planning, destruction by fire, the seam between archaeology and text-based disciplines

Projects: Director of the Tel Hazor Excavations Project, scientific consultant in the Tell Beir Mirsim Excavations.

YouTube link