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A Hoard of First Jewish Revolt Coins Found near Ḥorbat Mazruq (Abu Ghosh). Donald T. Ariel, Eyal Marco and Pablo Betzer, pp 11–35.
Horvat Sa’adon – Excavations in the Roman Tomb and Byzantine Church. Tali Erickson-Gini, Vladik Lifshitz and Emil Alajem, pp 37–56.
Early Islamic Pottery from Tel Roumeida-Hebron. David Ben-Shlomo, pp 57-73.
A Rare Roman Sarcophagus from Ashkelon. Gabriel Mazor and Nir-Shimshon Paran, pp 75–86.
A Seven-Branched Menorah Graffito from Kafr Mukhmas. David Raviv, pp 87–99.
A Historical Geography of the Pilgrimage Site ‘Nabi Rubin’ on the Judean Coastal Plain. Abraham Sasson, pp 101–121.
Review Article. Deconstructing the Jewish War: A Review. Nikos Kokkinos, pp 123–135.
Book Reviews, pp 136–151.
Lecture Summaries, pp 153–156.Reports from Israel, Eitan Klein. pp 157–167.
Grant Reports. Bouddicca Bell, pp 169–170; Gregory Bilotto, pp 170–173; Jessica Feito, pp 173–174; Joseph Scales, pp 174–176; William Stumpf, pp 176–177; Sarah Wisialowski, pp 177–178.
ISSN 2042-7867 (Print), ISSN 2633-4216 (Online