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Research Articles
David Jacobson, Ehud Netzer and Herodian Archaeology
Amir Gorzalczany, A British Mandate Military Bonnet Badge
from Archaeological Excavations at Lod, Israel
Samuel Wolff, A British ‘Hamilton’ Soda Bottle From Jerusalem
Yoav Farhi and Yoav Alon, A Bronze Ring from Roman Palestine Depicting
Zeus Heliopolites
Ian Stern, Ethnic Identities and Circumcised Phalli at Hellenistic Maresha
Estēe Dvorjetski, Maioumas Festivities in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin: Maioumas-Shuni as a Case Study
Summaries of Lectures
Reports from Jerusalem, by Stephen Rosenberg
Student Grant Reports
Book Reviews
Paolo Matthiae, Frances Pinnock, Lorenzo Nigro, Nicolò Marchetti (eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 5 May – 10 May 2008, Sapienza, vols I and II, reviewed by C. Crouch
Jan Dušek, Aramaic and Hebrew Inscriptions from Mt. Gerizim and Samaria between Antiochus III and Antiochus IV Epiphanes, reviewed by Alinda Damsma
Israel Finkelstein and Nadav Na’aman (eds.), The Fire Signals of Lachish: Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin, reviewed by Lester L. Grabbe
Donald T. Ariel and Jean-Philippe Fontanille. The Coins of Herod: A Modern Analysis and Die Classification, reviewed by David Jacobson
Silvia Rozenberg, Hasmonean and Herodian Palaces at Jericho: Final Reports of the 1973–1987 Excavations. Volume 4: The Decoration of Herod’s Third Palace at Jericho, reviewed by David Jacobson
Assaf Yasur-Landau, Jennie R. Ebeling, and Laura B. Mazow (eds.), Household Archaeology in Ancient Israel and Beyond, reviewed by Carol Meyers
Othmar Keel, Corpus der Stempelsiegel-Amulette aus Palästina/Israel: Von den Anfängen bis zur Perserzeit. Katalog Band II: Von Bahan bis Tel Eton. Mit Beiträgen von Daphna Ben-Tor, Baruch Brandl und Robert Wenning, reviewed by Alan Millard
Jodi Magness, Stone and Dung, Oil and Spit: Jewish Daily Life in the Time of Jesus, reviewed by Dennis Mizzi
Haim Goren, Dead Sea Level: Science, Exploration and Imperial Interests in the Near East, reviewed by Thomas O’Loughlin
Erika Fischer, Tellel-Far‘ah (Süd): Ägyptisch-levantinische Beziehungen im späten 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr., reviewed by Eliezer D. Oren
Hershel Shanks (ed.), Ancient Israel: From Abraham to the Destruction of the Temple, Third Edition, reviewed by Deborah W. Rooke
Ronny Reich, The City of David: Excavating the City of David Where Jerusalem’s History Began, reviewed by Stephen G. Rosenberg
Charlotte Hempel (ed.), The Dead Sea Scrolls: Texts and Context Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah, reviewed by Shani Tzoref