Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society
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Table of Contents
Barnett, R. D., Six Fingers in Art and Archaeology
Hirschfeld, Y., The Rural Dwelling House in the Hebron Hills, and Building Tradition in Palestine
Chapman, R., Execution or Atrocities? A Note on Tomb P19 at Jericho
Cohen, O., The Lifting Operation of the Kinneret Boat, and Some Aspects of the Conservation
Book Review
Yadin, Y. and Geva, S., Investigations at Beth She’an: The Early Iron Age Strata
Summaries of Lectures Given in 1986-7
Flinder, A., The Search for Ezion-geber, King Solomon’s Red Sea Harbour
Millard, A., Archaeology and the World of the Bible
Ussishkin, D., Betar: The Last Stronghold of Bar-Kochba
Wachsmann, S., The Excavation of the Kinneret Boat
Gonen, R., Archaeology in the Negev
Gichon, M., The Bath-house at Emmaus
Netzer, E., Herodium – Herod’s Summer Palace and Burial Place
Bienkowski, P., The Bedul in Petra
Grants Given by the Society
Wachsmann, S.; Cohen, O.; Gibson, S.
Books Received for Review