The editors are seeking new research papers for next year’s issue of Strata, the flagship journal of the AIAS.
This annual, peer-reviewed journal publishes research on the archaeology and allied disciplines relating to Israel-Palestine, along with reviews of recent publications.
All published contributions must be original and written in English. The editors will not normally accept articles which have appeared in substantially the same form elsewhere, whether in English or in another language. Strata will also not accept papers that are currently being considered or prepared for another publication.
Manuscripts sent to Strata should not exceed 8,000 words in length (excluding bibliography). Interested scholars should consult our submission guidelines for more information, including links to the journal’s peer review and ethics policies.
Manuscripts should be sent to the co-editors, Professor David M. Jacobson and Dr Rachael T. Sparks, at AI*********@ho*****.com.
All issues of the journal up to and including volume 34 (2016) may be freely downloaded via the links here: